This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome to be added to this list, including contributions to Privacy Guides outside this repo, and contributions that aren't content related (like sharing ideas for Privacy Guides, promoting the project, answering questions on the forum, etc.).
Emoji | Type | Description |
📖 | doc |
A contributor to the content on |
👀 | review |
Someone who has taken the time to review pull requests to the site. |
📝 | blog |
Someone who has written a blog post for us. |
💬 | question |
Someone who has been helpful when answering questions on our forum or Matrix channels. |
🌍 | translation |
Someone who has contributed on Crowdin. |
A huge thank you from Privacy Guides to the following wonderful people (full emoji key). We also especially thank our dedicated community moderation team on Matrix and our forum: Austin Huang, namazso, hik, riley, and Valynor.
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אתה צופה בעותק העברי של מדריכי הפרטיות, שתורגם על ידי צוות השפה הפנטסטי שלנו ב- Crowdin. אם אתה מבחין בשגיאה, או רואה קטעים לא מתורגמים בדף זה, אנא שקול לעזור! בקרו ב-Crowdin
You're viewing the עברית copy of Privacy Guides, translated by our fantastic language team on Crowdin. If you notice an error, or see any untranslated sections on this page, please consider helping out!