Tor Browser
Protects against the following threat(s):
Tor is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows you to connect for free and improve your privacy and security on the Internet. Individuen en organisaties kunnen ook informatie delen via het Tor-netwerk met ".onion hidden services" zonder hun privacy in gevaar te brengen. Omdat Tor-verkeer moeilijk te blokkeren en te traceren is, is Tor een effectief middel om censuur te omzeilen.
Before connecting to Tor, please ensure you've read our overview on what Tor is and how to connect to it safely. We often recommend connecting to Tor through a trusted VPN provider, but you have to do so properly to avoid decreasing your anonymity.
There are a variety of ways to connect to the Tor network from your device, the most commonly used being the Tor Browser, a fork of Firefox designed for anonymous browsing for desktop computers and Android.
Some of these apps are better than others, and again making a determination comes down to your threat model. If you are a casual Tor user who is not worried about your ISP collecting evidence against you, using apps like Orbot or mobile browser apps to access the Tor network is probably fine. Increasing the number of people who use Tor on an everyday basis helps reduce the bad stigma of Tor, and lowers the quality of "lists of Tor users" that ISPs and governments may compile.
If more complete anonymity is paramount to your situation, you should only be using the desktop Tor Browser client, ideally in a Whonix + Qubes configuration. Mobile browsers are less common on Tor (and more fingerprintable as a result), and other configurations are not as rigorously tested against deanonymization.
Tor Browser
Tor Browser is de keuze als je anonimiteit nodig hebt, omdat het je toegang geeft tot het Tor netwerk en bruggen, en het bevat standaard instellingen en extensies die automatisch geconfigureerd worden door de standaard beveiligingsniveaus: Standard, Safer en Safest.
Je moet nooit extra extensies installeren op Tor Browser of about:config
instellingen bewerken, inclusief de extensies die we voorstellen voor Firefox. Browserextensies en niet-standaardinstellingen zorgen ervoor dat je je onderscheidt van anderen op het Tor-netwerk, waardoor je browser gemakkelijker te vinden is op fingerprint.
De Tor Browser is ontworpen om fingerprinting, of het identificeren van jou op basis van je browserconfiguratie, te voorkomen. Therefore, it is imperative that you do not modify the browser beyond the default security levels.
In addition to installing Tor Browser on your computer directly, there are also operating systems designed specifically to connect to the Tor network such as Whonix on Qubes OS, which provide even greater security and protections than the standard Tor Browser alone.
Orbot is een gratis Tor VPN voor smartphones die het verkeer van elke app op je toestel door het Tor-netwerk leidt.
Wij hebben eerder aanbevolen Isolate Destination Address in de Orbot instellingen in te schakelen. Hoewel deze instelling theoretisch de privacy kan verbeteren door het gebruik van een ander circuit af te dwingen voor elk IP adres waarmee je verbinding maakt, biedt het geen praktisch voordeel voor de meeste toepassingen (vooral web browsen), kan het gepaard gaan met een aanzienlijke prestatievermindering en verhoogt het de belasting van het Tor netwerk. We no longer recommend adjusting this setting from its default value unless you know you need to.1
Tips for Android
Orbot kan individuele apps proxyen als ze SOCKS of HTTP proxying ondersteunen. It can also proxy all your network connections using VpnService and can be used with the VPN kill switch in Settings → Network & internet → VPN →
→ Block connections without VPN.
Orbot is vaak verouderd op de F-Droid repository en Google Play van het Guardian Project, dus overweeg in plaats daarvan direct te downloaden van de GitHub repository.
All versions are signed using the same signature, so they should be compatible with each other.
On iOS, Orbot has some limitations that could potentially cause crashes or leaks: iOS does not have an effective OS-level feature to block connections without a VPN like Android does, and iOS has an artificial memory limit for network extensions that makes it challenging to run Tor in Orbot without crashes. Currently, it is always safer to use Tor on a desktop computer compared to a mobile device.
Onion Browser (iOS)
Onion Browser is an open-source browser that lets you browse the web anonymously over the Tor network on iOS devices and is endorsed by the Tor Project. Read our latest Onion Browser review.
Onion Browser does not provide the same levels of privacy protections as Tor Browser does on desktop platforms. For casual use it is a perfectly fine way to access hidden services, but if you're concerned about being traced or monitored by advanced adversaries you should not rely on this as an anonymity tool.
Notably, Onion Browser does not guarantee all requests go through Tor. When using the built-in version of Tor, your real IP will be leaked via WebRTC and audio/video streams due to limitations of WebKit. It is safer to use Onion Browser alongside Orbot, but this still comes with some limitations on iOS (noted in the Orbot section above).
setting is discussed on the Tor mailing list and Whonix's Stream Isolation documentation, where both projects suggest that it is usually not a good approach for most people. ↩
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